Monday, February 21, 2011

Behind the Wyrd

Weird has always existed
I previously alluded to the Core, the Source, of Weird. In reading more about this archetype and its herstory, I have learned that even before the Word of Weird- was around, the Weird Chick existed, the origins extending into the Primordial.
“…..suggesting the supernatural….unearthly or uncanny”
“……Archaic . concerned with or controlling fate or destiny.”
[Indeed] its origins are :  “…attributive… in the phrase werde sisters the Fates (popularized as appellation of the witches in Macbeth )”…

It has always co existed with women
And here is part of the inherent duality of Weird or Wierd for that matter. When others see a Wierd Chick, somewhere in the back of their consciousness is the awareness of that uncanny quality she possesses.
People who aren’t weird are threatened by it

What is its significance? 
And, more importantly what is the problem?

It is knowledge of duality that others don’t understand and fear
By not fitting in, I- She- is a foil and therefore defines convention.
More importantly, while Wierd may be childlike, whimsical, or otherwise superficial, the aesthetic of Wierd, by its definitive origins, cannot but point back eventually to those 3 Norns weaving destiny in their hands.
Shakespeare was only recording an older truth.
This truth struck fear into the Catholic and Protestant Churches in the forms Inquisitions and Witch Trials. Of course it will spark a sense of wonder or fascination at the very least for those who encounter Her. In her Other-ness, she gets to an uncomfortable truth: she is the opposite of Natural and cannot be contained within the parameters of Normal. She is generative of new possibilities and in this power, similarly, has the ability to destroy. 

It embraces duality that others reject out of fear
When I have bargained with myself to fit in, I am repressing the fear of the Dark and Chaotic within me. I am no better than any Church. In fact this is a bargain with the Devil so to speak because when I try to ‘just be normal’, in fact I am coveting another’s sacred thread. In doing so, I sacrifice the Luminousity of my Own Wierdness.
Those Dark powers may come in the form of the envious Step Sister or the All Consuming Mother. Regardless, when one seeks to fit in , their desire is in danger of becoming an insatiable maw. Inauthenticity is never satisfying. It can also suck the soul out of relationships, jobs, and rob one of energy to manifest one’s uniqueness in the world.
And yet the Shadow has something to teach if we could but befriend the inner Step sister, the inner hideous mother. Becoming an apprentice to Inner Wyrd Wisdom is to allow her to come in all her forms, including the ones that are hideous. 

Taking this path means risking being misunderstood or worse
It comes with the territory of being Wierd
The alternative, befriending both the luminous and the shadowy side of my Wierdness, means owning all of who I really am. Really, it is impossible to be true to myself and avoid inconveniencing, confronting or otherwise discomfiting others because it is inevitable that someone is going to disapprove, disagree, or dis me in some other way.

Embracing both negative and positive leads to great wisdom. This in turn equates to greater personal power.
And circling back on itself, the value of such wisdom and its fearsomeness are thus: in seeing both sides, I have become ever more aware of these characteristics in others. The more one possesses such awareness, the better one can ‘read’ people.
Confronting the negative means making mistakes. In making mistakes the next step is learning from them- becoming adept. If one is not authentic, one’s desires will be unfulfilled and it leads to the all consuming mother sucking the life out of others/ourselves/ our success/ etc. Conversely, the projection of my desire that is covetousness can teach me of unrecognized qualities in myself that I possess if I would but take the work to uncover them.

 In doing both it manifests great potency in relationship and in the world

The Thunder, Perfect Mindaccording to Anne McGuire, contains a the dialogue of an unnamed Divine Feminine. She embodies the potent Wierd Chick conundrum, the contradiction to which words give inadequate expression (bold/ italics my own emphasis):

 " Do not separate me from the first ones whom you have k[nown.
And] do not cast anyone [out
and do not] bring anyone back [...] 

I know the fi[rst ones] and those after them know me.
But I am the [perfect] mind and the repose ...
I am the gnosis of my seeking, and the finding of those who seek after me.
And the command of those who ask of me.
...And the power of the powers by my gnosis
of the angels who have been sent by my logos,
And the gods in their seasons by my command,
And it is with me that the spirits of all humans exist,
and it is within me that women exist

I am she who is honored and praised and who is despised scornfully.
I am peace and because of me war has come to be.
And I am an alien and a citizen.
I am substance and she who has no substance.
Those who come into being from my synousia are ignorant of me,
And those who are in my substance know me…."

Every treasure piece of my Self awareness must be turned over and each side thoroughly inspected. For how does one truly know the value of a coin possessed if one is not truly acquainted with both its sides?

Wierdness is a never ending definition of myself and the other turning end over end. True Self awareness is not narcissistic but benefits others due to the byproducts of Beauty, Wisdom and True Love that are generated in the process.
There is the golden coin, the golden thread, the gold in lead, the gold that can be found when plumbing the depths for the Shadow of the Weird Chick.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

The Original Wyrd Word

I wrote it before
And it was written before I wrote it
And it was known before I knew it,
So the wisdom is not mine to claim.
Nevertheless I will convey the threads as faithfully as can an adherent
Who in some ways is no more than one newly initiated:
Knowledge, wisdom, process can be a blessing and a curse.
This is no mistake.
As far back as our herstories can remember, 
Be She Baba Yaga
Hulda, Hecate
Or even Sleeping Beauties more diminutive 13 Faerie Godmothers
The dual natured goddess has been
In her Wisdom,
The one to bless, The one to curse

As it please her.
Woman herself is the cauldron of life
From her Source, from her all seeing Yoneye
Proceeds fates threads of which
She is both spinner and weaver.
As it is so,
She is Wise Who keeps her own blood sacred
And Who does not mistakenly seek as sacred the distaff of others.
She is Wise Who is wary
Of her own true urge to be resplendent in just such covetous finery
And the beautiful friction caused
When occupying one’s imaginations in such a fashion.
It takes practice to not tangle such a web
And if one lacks discernment,
Surely duplicitous enchantment will follow
As to suck the life from one’s soul
If one stares to intently into the Chasm from where it was borne.
She is Beauty and she is Wise.
She is Terrible and she is a Curse.

She is the Thunder who is in our entire DNA;
Sophia is her name.
And whether philosopher or not,
All those who are wise love Her
And know the propensity for knowledge
to be turned into insipid, damaging, fearmongering facts,
Which is what explains
Macbeth seeking those 3 Sisters,

the Norn
And why those who identify with Them
Are still cast out as otherworldly
And thus misunderstood:
They weave with a thread
That can just as easily bring chaos
As it can creation.
And may those who do not understand
Call us Weird.
